Hello, I’m
.. I do cutting edge technology solutions and some creative work. Thank You for stopping by 🙂
Work with meBusiness transformation and digitization.. 📌
I automate processes using Microsoft Power Apps & Power Automate
Data Analysis and Teams Apps using Microsoft PowerBI
ChatGPT and other AI solutions for Businesses
Creative work on Video content creation & marketing
Full stack development of a Software Project & Mobile Apps
I do UI/UX design for creative work apps, powerBi designs, video content.
My Intro
What i do
Business Intelligence
Microsoft Power Bi
Analysing Asylum seekers data
Microsoft Power Bi
..next dataset
Coding Projects
Note: clients work won't be displayed.
Freelancer Website
Freelancer Portfolio
A Primary School Android App
The Rive App (D'rive)
Drive(the Rive) is an Android App I designed for Makunda Primary School and other primary schools in the
Ghanzi Region. It was created to allow for easy sharing or exchange of Study materials between teachers since
it was difficult to manage shared materials via WhatsApp.
- Developed using Android Studio.
- Languages include Dart, Flutter & Java for Android.
- Google firebase Realtime Database for data manipulation.
- Documents(PDFs) stored on Cloud Firestore (a Google NoSQL document database)
- Duration: 3 weeks during working hours
(2 weeks learning flutter and designing, 1 week coding).
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